Tag: Aidio Apps

Aidio All-in-One Self Service Kiosks

Self Service Kiosks: ATM for Food Restaurants

Friends, Majority of us have forgotten to carry out transactions at Bank Counters, isn’t it? We all rely on ATM machines for hard cash or use UPI enabled mobile apps to swiftly transfer funds online. Ditto scenario is witnessed in Food Chain outlets with human cash counters accepting orders taking a back seat. With the…
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Digital Signage Trends of 2018

August 2018 is over; The changes that got initiated at the beginning of this year in the Digital Signage market are still going strong. This Blog Post attempts to depict Digital Signage Trends of 2018. 3 Important Trends Witnessed Mobile-Signage Integration Segmentation AI-based Dynamic content Mobile-Signage Integration SmartPhones are miniature cousins of Digital Signage. Many…
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All-Rounders Bring Success in Digital Signage Arena

In IPL cricket auction, All-Rounders are purchased for a whopping price, isn’t it? So, All-Rounders and All-in-One Shops are gaining popularity across different market segments. Thus a question arises: Why ONE-STOP-SOLUTION? The answer might vary from person to person but one common answer will be ‘CONVENIENCE’. Yes, to have no hassles, People prefer one-stop solutions.…
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Interactive Features in Digital Signage World

Interactive Features in Digital Signage World

Classroom gathering or Entertainment crowd, grabbing audience attention depends on the quality of Interaction you have with them.  Apps have become synonymous with our lives. Kids install Gaming Apps and elders use a variety of Apps catering to Banking needs or online bill payments, Railway booking, and other entertainment needs. Literally Interactive Apps rule our…
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