Indian Startups Innovate to Combat Covid-19

Indian Startups Innovate to Combat Covid-19

The Covid-19 Pandemic has affected the social, health, and economical life of human beings in more than 165 countries. From the Economy point of view after the 1929-30 Great Depression it is Covid-19 that has crippled life in almost every country. This post focuses on how Indian startups are working hard to innovate products to combat COVID-19.

According to, More than 1 Crore people are infected by Covid-19. More than 5 Lakh people are dead due to this pandemic. In India, more than 6 Lakh people are infected and 18 thousand people have died. However, how long this pandemic prevails is unknown. So, Experts have started identifying and analyzing the long term impact of this deadly pandemic.

Long Term Impact of Covid-19

The biggest challenge envisioned by experts is the lack of effective health facilities in developing countries like India. ‘Placing Public Healthcare in the back burner cannot fuel economic growth’ says Prof. Janat Shah, Director of Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur. Developing effective Healthcare systems, Response Systems, and Social Security Systems has to be prioritized. The Workplace closures, loss of life, and quarantines are the direct impacts of this Pandemic. Lack of consumer confidence in the market, tightened financial markets are indirect impacts. Importantly the forerunners of the supply chain market USA, China, Japan, and Europe are all crippled by this pandemic effect. A twilight in this gloomy situation is the Internet and Telecommunication technologies. They have helped millions of workforce to operate remotely from their homes. But the point to be noted is the majority of operations still function in offline mode.

Business Sector wise Impact of Covid-19

Most affected service industries are Aviation, Tourism, Shipping, Hotels, Travel agency portals, and Restaurants. The worst affected are the supply chains of automobiles, chemicals, electronics, and metals. So, In simple all service and manufacturing sector is affected directly or indirectly.

Government Initiatives to Fight Covid-19

The Union Government of India has taken healthcare and economical measures to address the current health emergency situation. Micro, Small, and Medium Entreprises (MSMEs) are given sops. In order to compensate losses incurred. Also on the healthcare front, the Government has released the Arogya Setu App. It is a location-based mobile app that connects health services and the people of India. It is useful to launch a combined fight against COVID-19. This App informs the users about the potential risk of infection, best practices, and relevant medical advisories to prevent infection. Secondly, the Government has launched a portal called COVID Warriors It provides complete information about healthcare facilities, doctors, supporting staff operating across the country to fight the pandemic.

Startup Innovate to Fight Covid -19

Many Indian Startups have taken proactive steps to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. A Bengaluru based startup called Log-9 Materials has come up with a unique UV-Disinfection chamber named as CORONA OVEN. It can sterilize goods possibly infected by the virus. The company says this Oven can kill the germs and viruses in less than 10 minutes. In addition, it has the ability to clean viruses from all types of surfaces.

Saral Designs is a Startup based in Mumbai. This startup has come with a fast Face- Masks manufacturing machine. It plays a vital role in helping people facing scarcity of face masks. The details of Saral-Face Masks are available in this link

The Aidio Med-Aid Display, from Aiddition Technologies, Bengaluru is a unique COVID prevention product. This product goes beyond normal temperature screening. It can monitor vital health parameters like Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, Age, Gender, and Temperature in a contactless manner. Importantly the device takes not more than 15 seconds to screen an individual. In addition, this Aidio product has the potential to occupy a permanent place in public and corporate offices, railway, bus terminals, and airports.

Aiddition Technology is an OEM based in India manufacturing Professional grade All-in-one Interactive display. But the organization felt it has to contribute to the nation in its own way to combat this pandemic situation. Interestingly, Aidio Med-Aid- Display is the first of its kind in India. Also, this device goes beyond normal temperature sensors available in the market by detecting vital health parameters. In addition, Med-Aid Display can make it more relevant in post-COVID-19 society too. The display is equipped to detect the early symptoms of COVID-19 or any other chronic diseases.


Indian Startups like Aiddition Technologies, Saral Designs, and Log9 materials are innovating novel products to combat COVID 19. So, This is as a welcome sign for the Indian upcoming Enterprising Sector.


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