Digital Menu Boards: Boon for Fast Foods

Digital Menu Boards: Boon for Fast Foods

Digital Menu Boards is a variance of digital signage. It comes in handy for both customers and staff of fast food, Restaurant, and Hotels.
In Weekends if you decided to eat out at any famous Fast Food or Darshini hotel. Placing your order at the cash counter itself is a hurricane task! Even for the staff at counters accepting your orders is a cumbersome process. The Digital Menu Boards can ease the life of both Hoteliers and Customers.

Digital Menu Boards & Advantage Hoteliers

  • Rolling out the menu for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner at such food outlets easy.
  • These Digital Boards are integrated with content management software and can be updated with help of your Android Phone remotely
  • They can be customized with tempered glass screen so that wiping these displays is easier in greasy environment like hotels
  • Scrolling texts highlighting special item for the day can be showcased on screen so that customers are well informed on the days menu
  • They offers a full motion video, easily changing day parts. updating prices remotely and regularly adding or removing menu items.
  • The Cost of installing is small as it is one time investment unlike static boards.

Digital Menu Boards & Advantage Customers

  • Waiting in a queue is always a boring task for customers, Digital menu boards make waiting in a queue interesting by displaying today’s special menu.
  • Customers can choose from the variety of food menu displayed on the digital menu board.
  • Unlike static boards, They crack and fade at a time. These boards give great viewing experience as well as look beautiful all the time and also attract customers to visit the hotel more often.


All in all the Fast Chain Food Outlets with a burgeoning crowd can effectively utilize our aidio Digital Signage to improve the business prospects. Find out more about Aidio All-in-One display here:


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