All-in-One Interactive Displays for Automobile Industries

All-in-One Interactive Displays for Automobile Industries

In India, the Automobile Industry is one of the fastest-growing industries right now and the competition among the brands are no less. Every day lots of new cars getting launched. Brands are facing difficulty in attracting customers to buy new cars. Attracting customers is an art. Every visitor search for the modernization wherever he goes. How about introducing a smart-salesman in your Automobile showroom ??

Yes, Aidio All-in-One Interactive Displays serves as a Smart-Salesman in Automobile showrooms. Interactive Displays adds a touch of modernization to the showroom experience. Keeping visitors updated is one of the hectic tasks. Visitor’s feel bit hesitate to ask about every information they are looking for. Aidio All-in-One Interactive Displays provides complete information about cars. Be it a picture, video or specification, Aidio All-in-One Interactive Displays keeps them updated.

Why Aidio All-in-One Interactive Displays for Automobile Industry ??

Grabbing the visitor’s attraction right from their arrival is a crucial thing. People invest a lot of money in buying automobiles. It requires a lot of time also, just suggestions from the receptionist or technician will not grab the attention of visitors. In such scenarios, interactive displays do what a receptionist or technician can’t! Interactive Displays can be used in the various areas of the showroom such as:

Reception Center

Reception Center: Interactive Displays at the reception centers catches the visitor’s attraction. Greet them with an attractive welcome message. It also Lets them register about themselves on their own. In addition, the Visitors will have the advantage of checking every info about the automobiles just with simple touches. From pictures to the complete specifications, visitors can check out everything without anyone’s help.

Service Centers

Service Centers: When a customer leaves his vehicle for the service centers, he might feel the waiting time annoying. Interactive Displays makes customer’s waiting time interesting. Generate revenue by displaying ads, promote your other products. Also post about your upcoming events, launches, and many more kind of stuff with Aidio All-in-One Interactive Displays.  

Benefits of Interactive Displays at Automobile Industries

  • Firstly, Interactive Displays enriches the showroom experience of a visitor.
  • Further, it reduces the workload of human resources and serves as a smart-salesman.
  • Also, it makes the waiting time of a visitor interesting.
  • Subsequently, it provides complete information about the vehicles in one destination.
  • Further, visitors can compare the vehicles and buy the most affordable one for him.
  • It also avoids unnecessary interactions & helps a visitor to know everything on their own.
  • It also showcases brand’s achievements, post about upcoming events & launches, etc.
  • Display real-time social media updates. Generate revenue by posting ads & manage visitors and their feedbacks effectively. 

We are Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of all-in-one Interactive Display. So, to work in this direction our interactive displays are fitted with commercial grade full HD LCD panels. They have the ability to be in constant use for 24/7. Supports both landscape and portrait modes. For more details about our products please do visit


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